New Summer Hours
Monday thru Friday
9am - 5pm
Shop Closed on the Weekends
but Quotes are Available
What GettaGrip Golf Customers are Saying
" Thanks again for a great looking job. Can't wait to try them out"
Dennis, Fonthill
Thanks for all your trouble Paul,appreciate it and if I can steer any business your way will do..........Thanks again"
John, Niagara Falls
"Hey Buddy just wanted to let you know the grips are perfect. Good job & if I ever need anything else I will let you know."
Jimmy, St. Davids
"Hi Paul Played this afternoon & hit it better then I ever have
Straighter and Farther"
Thxs Norm, St. Catharines
Jordan, St. Catharines
"Now that's a deal"
Brent & Donna, St. Catharines
"Paul, Much appreciated!!!! You are my new club guy"
Best, Larry Niagara Falls
"thanks for the grips Paul. Played the other day and they felt great"
Thanks again
Martin, NOTL